Mesh Decking & Carton Live
Acorn Storage have recently installed mesh decking at the Body Shop - details of the case study can be seen here. The article was recently published in Handling & Storage Solutions.
Acorn Storage can supply mesh decking, timber decking to make pallet racking or long span shelving more flexible.
We currently have used decking in stock but can also supply new mesh or timber decking to order.
Carton Live storage, also known as 'flow racking' operates on the same principle as pallet live storage, but is typically used for stock which requires hand picking. This suited the Body Shops processes as it enabled smaller parts to be stored, and accessed quickly.
Inclined on rollers, carton live allows goods to roll under gravity down dedicated lanes within the trays, from the loading to the picking face.
For more details on carton live racking contact the sales team on 01634 296 927.