How To Measure Pallet Racking Beams
Pallet racking beams come in different brands and in various configurations, with a wide range of lengths, dimensions and weight-bearing capabilities, so it's important to measure the beams correctly, or else you could find yourself with a pallet racking solution, that doesn't fit your needs.
Looking to match existing beams?
If you are looking to add additional beams or replace damaged ones, matching the length of the beam correctly is vital. Providing a photograph or the name of the pallet racking manufacturer (See our identify your racking) article and an accurate measurement will enable us to match your beam exactly.
"It’s a standard sized beam, why do I need to measure it?"
Even a few millimetres can be significant to your existing racking or shelving, as standard beams of 1350mm, 2250mm, 2700mm and 3300mm are measured differently depending on the manufacturer; a 2700mm Dexion beam may be slightly different to a 2700mm Apex beam.
It is not uncommon for beams to be adapted or modified either – which can contribute to a standard beam not being quite so ‘standard’.
Acorn Storage Equipment advises customers seeking an exact match to existing beams to provide a specific measurement from two key points on the racking beam.

Whilst the clear entry measurement between frames gives a rough indicator of the beam length, the most accurate measurement of the beam is to measure from point A (see diagram to the left) to the corresponding point at the other end of the beam.
Other things we'll need to know
• Manufacturer of racking (see our identify racking article)
• Weight loading required
• Type of beam (see below)
Types of pallet racking beams:
Box beams:
Fully enclosed; manufactured from C-sections for strength and weight-bearing capability. Generally used for heavier loads, they are Ideal for storing pallets or boxes on slatted timber decking.
Open beams:
Manufactured from a single formed steel section. They are most commonly used for lighter loads. Open beams can come in a stepped beam design to accommodate chipboard or galvanised mesh.
Both box and open beams can be used with pallet racking frames and longspan frames, with the weight of the items to be stored being the main deciding factors between the two types of beam.
Need Advice?
If you are unsure of what you need, our sales team can give you expert advice on the best racking and shelving to suit the items you are storing.